Безглутенов десерт с ябълки и орехи

Gluten-free cake with apples and walnuts

Cardinals, in today’s series of wholesome homemade recipes, we present a gluten-free cake with apples and walnuts, which is easy to prepare and a suitable dessert for the whole family. Apples are a seasonal and dietary fruit rich in pectin (polysaccharide, ballast substance). Walnuts are low in carbohydrates but high in fiber. They are extremely rich in fats, proteins, vitamins (B6, B9). They contain Omega-3 fatty acids, the minerals manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus.

Necessary products:

3 tbsp. coconut flour
3 tbsp. buckwheat flour
2-3 apples
4 eggs
60 g of walnuts
10 g baking powder
1 ampoule of liquid vanilla
3 tbsp. Maple syrup
2 tsp coconut oil

Art der Zubereitung:

Die Eier in einer Schüssel schlagen. Fügen Sie Kokosöl, Ahornsirup und Vanille hinzu. Nochmals umrühren.
Beide Mehlsorten und Backpulver in die fertige Masse geben.
Die Äpfel waschen und grob raspeln, die Walnüsse mit einem Messer fein hacken.

ябълки десерт

  • Add to the mixture and mix well.
    Distribute the finished mixture evenly in a small round pan.
    Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until done.

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